Translation and Transmission: The Epic Edda in China
Author: Shi, Qin'e
Affiliation: Institute of Foreign Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Translator: Yulan    
There are several opinions concerning the meaning of the word Edda. The Edda is composed of the Elder Edda (Poetic Edda) and the Younger Edda (Prose Edda).
The Elder Edda consists of two parts: Norse mythology and Norse heroic legends. These are Norse folk poetry first created during late eighth and twelfth centuries CE, which were brought to Iceland by Norwegian settlers when they moved to Iceland.
The Younger Edda, also called Prose Edda, was written by the Icelandic poet and historian Snorri Sturluson around 1220. It consists of three parts: 1. Annotation of the Elder Edda, concerning the creation and foretold destruction and rebirth of the Norse deities and heroes; 2. Artistic Language of the Poets, an account of the singing arts and language use of Elder Edda, and 3. List of Verses, a demonstration of verse forms.
The expressive means of Poetic Edda include:
1.     Dialogues are very common besides narratives, monologues and insertions.
2.     Analogies, hints, implications, and similes are used profoundly. 
Up to date, many Chinese translations of Eddas and Sagas have been published, but they are translated from either Sweden or English instead of the Icelandic language.
Shi Qin’e, “Guan Yu Bing Dao Shi Ti Ai Da” ( On the Poetic Edda of Iceland) , in Shi Jie Wen XueInternational Literature, 1999 (6).
Ai Da ( Edda), 2000, translated from Niloe-biblioteket (1979) by Shi Qin’e & Si Wen, Najing: Yi Lin Press.
Sa Jia Xuan Ji — Zhong Shi Ji Bei ‘Ou Wen Xue De Gui Bao (I & II) (Selected Sagas: Precious Stones among the Medieval Norse Literatures) , 2000, ed. by Shi Qin’e, Nanjing: Shang Wu Press.
Sa Jia (Sagas), 2002, trans. by Shi Qin’e & Si Wen from The Sagas of Icelanders, Nanjing: Yi Lin Press.