On Acquisition and Performance among the Uygur Dastanqis
Affiliation: School of Uygur Language and Literature, Northwest University for Nationalities China

Singers of Uygur folk narrative poems and epic is in modern Uighur language called "Dastanqi", who the man songs Uygur folk narrative poem___Dastan(the term dastan mean including narrative poem and epic).Dastan is two types of Modern Uygur literature:oral dastan and written dastan, so dastan, this is one of genre of Uygur literature, means si very more. The Dastanqi learning and living environment, religion, customs, and human geography of close contact, Dastanqi - folk singer motivation, purpose, process and concert desires And the concert form factors have a far-reaching impact on their learning and performing. Analysis of the folk singer with a comprehensive study and theory .The body of the learning process and the concert activities and their characteristics is a topic worthy of further exploration in Oral Literature.

Key words: Folk singer –Dastanqi, learn to sing; peformance