Reichl, Karl

Karl Reichl (Prof. Dr.)

Professor Emeritus, University of Bonn (Germany)

Institute of English, American and Celtic Studies

University of Bonn

Regina-Pacis-Weg 5

53113 Bonn (Germany)

Studies: English and Romance Philology as well as Persian and Turkish at the Universities of Munich (Germany), Montpellier (France) and Cambridge (England). Full Professor at the University of Bonn since 1978; retired in 2008. Visiting professorships at Harvard University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the École pratique des hautes études (Paris); honorary professor of the University of Nukus (Uzbekistan). Research areas: medieval literature, oral literature, oral epic poetry of the Turkic-speaking peoples. Major publications include Turkic Oral Epic Poetry: Traditions, Forms, Poetic Structure (New York, 1992) (translated into Turkish, 2002, Russian, 2008, and Chinese, 2011); Singing the Past: Turkic and Medieval Heroic Poetry (Ithaca, NY, 2000); Das usbekische Heldenepos Alpomish: Einführung, Text, Übersetzung (Wiesbaden, 2001); Edige: A Karakalpak Oral Epic as Performed by Jumabay Bazarov (Helsinki, 2007); and the edited volume Medieval Oral Literature (Berlin, 2012).



Presentation topic: Oral Epics Today: Death, Survival, and Change