Muellner, Leonard Charles

Leonard Muellner is Professor of Classical Studies, Brandeis University (Waltham, MA USA) and Director for IT and Publications, Center for Hellenic Studies (Washington, DC). Educated at Harvard University (Ph.D. 1973), his scholarly interests center on Homeric epic, with special interests in historical linguistics, anthropological approaches to the study of myth, and the poetics of oral traditional poetry. His recent work includes "Grieving Achilles," in Homeric Contexts: Neoanalysis and the Interpretation of Oral Poetry, ed. A. Rengakos, F. Montanari, and C. Tsagalis, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 12, Berlin, 2012, pp. 187-210, and “Homeric Anger Revisited,” Classics@ Issue 9: Defense Mechanisms,, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC, September, 2011.

Presentation topic: Eins ist keins, zwei ist eins, drei ist alles: A Metonymic Interpretation of the Rule of Three in Semantics, Myth, and the Comparative Study of Epic Song