Dear Friends,
On behalf of Gregory Nagy, the Board of Readers, and our whole community, we want to thank you for your enrollment in the first session of CB22x "The Ancient Greek Hero"!
Our goal from the start was to foster a global and ongoing dialogue where participants could engage with ancient texts and with each other in a meaningful way. Since launching the project in March 2013, we have enrolled over 36,000 independent learners from over 170 countries. We are inspired by the dedication of our participants and the supportive community that has developed over these few months. While we still have a great deal to learn and refine, we are encouraged by the feedback we are receiving. We also want to invite you to join the second session of "The Ancient Greek Hero", which starts now and runs through December. This second session will feature the same core content, but with upgrades in a few key areas.
Regardless of your participation level in the first session, we invite you to register for "The Ancient Greek Hero" now! If you were not able to participate fully the first time around, please join us as we engage with these timeless and transformative texts. If you achieved a Certificate of Mastery, we encourage you to stay connected, rethink your readings, and delve deeper into texts that reward a lifetime of study. We promise, Hour 24 is just the beginning. All the best,
Leonard Muellner Chair of the Board of Readers, The Ancient Greek Hero Claudia Filos Editor for Curricular and Community Development, The Ancient Greek Hero
P.S. Certificate-seekers who earned an average of 50% or higher on the hourly assessments can download their PDF certificate from the student dashboard on http://edx.org.