February 20, 2013
Dear Founding Members of the International Society for Epic Studies (ISES),
First of all, let us deliver sincerest greetings and heartfelt gratitude to you on behalf of the Executive Committee of the ISES.
The ISES Secretariat has sent you the Constitution of ISES via email in both WORD (in change-tracking mode) and PDF versions, as well as a list of the Founding Members of ISES (every epic scholar officially invited to the International Summit of Epic Studies held on November 17-18, 2012 is considered to be the Founding Member of the Society), please check up all the documents with your email account.
The ISES Secretariat is commissioned by the Executive Committee to distribute the Constitution to all the Founding Members for any suggestions concerned. Every founding member is thus kindly asked to read through the working Constitution, offer changes and suggestions, and return your revised WORD file by March 20, 2013 to the Secretariat at ises2012AT163.com and cc.otrc.ielATgmail.com.
In case you do not have further changes or suggestions, you are also kindly asked to notify us on your approval or disapproval of the Constitution of the Society by the deadline. Everyone should reply please, if only to say Yes or No.
Your timely cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely Yours,
ISES Secretariat
P.S. The email was sent to you from the email address of IEL's OTCenter to ensure the successful reception by every Founding Member. The documents and notifications of the ISES Secretariat will be sent to you from its official email address at ises2012AT163.com from now on. Please kindly save the new email address.
ISES Secretariat Contact Information: